Once you’ve started climbing a building, there’s really no turning back. Buildings aren’t designed to be scaled, meaning that your ascent is unlikely to have any off-ramps or areas where one can enter the building after they’ve already begun climbing.

This is an easy concept to explain on the ground. In the air, however, things get a little more difficult, as Maison Des Champs — the self-proclaimed “pro-life Spider-Man” — learned on a recent climb up Chicago’s Accenture Tower.

In the video, Des Champs can be seen climbing when suddenly a police officer bangs on the window. Des Champs tries his best to explain that the cop shouldn’t do that and that he will meet them at the top, but it doesn’t seem to work. The cop continues to knock, and later in the clip, a video from the inside shows the cop has been yelling at Des Champs throughout the entire interaction, even though Des Champs cannot hear him.

For context, Des Champs is a guy who is against abortion — like, “climb a giant building” levels of being anti-abortion. Per the New York Post, he “has made more than half a dozen similar climbs around the country to raise awareness and money for the pro-life movement and other causes, usually livestreaming his antics to his Instagram page.”

Whether you think his cause is whacky or not, it’s difficult not to sympathize with his palpable frustration as he tells the cops to stop making his already-dangerous journey significantly more perilous. Furthermore, what do the cops want him to do, exactly? Stop? Drop dozens of stories to the ground?

For those who are interested, Des Champs ended up finishing the nearly 600-foot climb without rope or safety equipment and was promptly arrested on the top. Given his track record, though, he’ll likely be out and climbing again soon — closely followed by a meathead cop telling him to knock it off.